studio tomahawk
Every era has its heroes, unique figures whose exploits transcend time. From the legendary King Arthur to the conquests of William, these names resonate through the ages. Yet, for every known legend, there are others, ready to be written. Immerse yourself in the epic universe of Saga, a skirmish game where you embody a Lord leading a band of heroes through the ages. With simple and innovative rules, uncover the secrets of battle and forge your own legend.
Whether born from popular legends, the fertile imagination of writers, or having left their mark on history, these illustrious figures of bygone ages remain forever in the collective memory.
However, for every existing legend, there are countless others waiting to be written. Thousands of heroes await their moment to shine on the battlefield, to let fire and steel speak, and to leave their mark on their era. With this book in your hands, seize the unique opportunity to participate in the creation of these legends and to see them fulfill their destiny...
Your Saga begins here...
Saga: an epic skirmish
Saga is a skirmish game set during the heroic ages, whether they are drawn from history, mythology, or the imagination of men. It portrays the battle led by exceptional men, the Lords, who, at the head of their band, challenge their enemies on the battlefield.
This game invites you to lead such a band, consisting of around thirty figurines, led by your heroic alter ego. Each band, chosen from the available Saga factions, has its own combat board and specific Saga dice that grant it particular abilities in battle and contribute to the identity of your group.
This book contains all the basic rules of Saga, simple and innovative, explained in a didactic manner and illustrated with numerous examples applicable to all the universes you wish to explore. These rules are the result of years of development and the input of a wide community of players who have practiced Saga all over the world.
Once you have read this book, all that remains is to choose a Saga universe from the available range, gather your figurines, and write your legend!
Here you will find all the downloads that the studio offers for your favorite game.


Experience the Saga Skirmish Game with the rulebook. Create your legend and go into battle with your miniatures in innovative and varied universes.
Book of Battles
Bring a new dimension to Saga with the Book of Battles, a collection of scenarios and rules additional usable with any of our universes.
The Saga Universes are supplements presenting the special rules of a period, its factions and including the combat boards of these protagonists.