Studio tomahawk
You love to play, so we do!

Musquets & Tomahawks



Frostgrave 2nd edition


Dracula’s America
V for victory c’est pour bientôt…
Le Studio Tomahawk est heureux de vous présenter son nouveau jeu : V for victory. Revivez avec nous la reconquête de l’Europe par les alliés de 1944 à 1945.
Studio Tomahawk is delighted to present its new game: V for victory. Join us as we relive the Allied reconquest of Europe from 1944 à 1945.
Video V for victory
Une vidéo qui parle de notre prochain jeu. A video about our next game.
Livret de tournoi SAGA / SAGA tournament booklet
On commence l'année avec un livret de scénarios à télécharger pour ceux qui veulent organiser des tournois pour SAGA. We're kicking...

Studio tomahawk
Who we are?
Studio Tomahawk was born from the meeting of two enthusiasts whose passion for history, figurines and games resulted in creating a publishing house. Its first ambition is to offer miniature games that are as innovative as they are original where the pleasure of the player is the main consideration.
In addition to their own designs, the Studio team also translated games they loved from other publishers including Osprey Publishing with Frostgrave and Dracula’s America.
Whether in the forests of Canada, on the battlefields of the dark ages or in the heart of Africa, the horizons of Studio Tomahawk's games are vast, even… limitless!
Contact us
If you would like to contact us for more information, leave us a message using the form below: